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South Korea

Harmony of Love for the Global Family

  • Nation | South Korea
  • Date | May 27, 2010
ⓒ 2010 WATV
Incheon is a place where people from around the world take their first steps when they visit Korea. In this city which is the gate to the world, there was an event to share the deep love of Koreans: The “14th Messiah Orchestra Concert for Foreigners in Korea” was held at the Samsan World Gymnasium in Incheon on May 27 to comfort foreigners who were missing their homes and families, being away from their own countries. Over 16,000 people, including the Church members and citizens in Incheon and Bucheon area, and foreigners in Korea, attended the concert and shared a warm family love beyond nationality, culture and language.

General Pastor Joo-Cheol Kim expressed his gratitude to the audience and stated the purpose of the concert, saying, “We hold this concert to help heal homesickness and wounds for foreigners living away from home and to share Korea’s warm affection with them as ‘a global family.’ ” In addition, he introduced the Church of God, saying, “Our Church believes in God the Mother as well as God the Father,” and added, “I truly hope that you will all get joined together in harmony like a family through beautiful music which contains the love and mind of a mother who carries her child in her arms. We love you(foreigners in Korea).” Then he shouted, “We love you,” together with the audience.

ⓒ 2010 WATV
Soon after, the Messiah Orchestra’s performance started. The Orchestra presented refreshing joy to the audience through diverse performances of East-West harmony, which were systematically organized, such as classical music and Korean songs that are familiar to the public. The repertoire also included a performance by the barbershop quartet along with the orchestra, a mixture of classic and modern music. The audience was especially touched by the magnificent and beautiful melodies of the New Songs, which express God’s salvation and celestial mysteries.

ⓒ 2010 WATV
ⓒ 2010 WATV
Mary King from Cameroon, a university student majoring in international relations, conveyed her impressions of the concert by saying, “It’s my first time to see such a wonderful performance. I’ve watched many performances while traveling in several countries, but I’ve never seen this kind of concert for foreigners in any country. Koreans are very kind people. Today I was deeply moved while listening to the orchestra’s performance which contained heartfelt love and consideration.” Anura from Sri Lanka, who had been working in Korea for three years, said with tearful eyes, “I have been lonely and missing my parents and family in my hometown so much. The performance of the Messiah Orchestra consoled my broken heart. When I return to my home, I will tell my family about this concert, without forgetting the emotions I experienced today. I truly appreciate your heartfelt consideration for us, and I’d also like to thank you for such beautiful music.”

Through the concert which presented Elohim’s love in addition to music—the universal language, all the participants broke down the walls in their minds and cherished the joyful memories together, with bright smiles on their faces, as members of the global family.

ⓒ 2010 WATV
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