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South Korea

All the members of the Church of God over 70 nations Celebrated 2003 Passover of the New Covenant on April 16, 2003

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  • Date | April 16, 2003
On Wednesday evening, April 16, 2003, Passover the core of the new covenant was celebrated in all the Churches of God over the world, centering the New Jerusalem Temple in Korea. All the members of the Church of God participated in this ceremony in remembrance of Jesus the Passover Lamb.

ⓒ 2003 WATV
The Passover is celebrated on January 14 by Israeli calendar, and it's the first and the most important feast in the Bible. Passover means "Disasters pass over." The Passover was a very important feast to Jesus' disciples, for Jesus said: "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer (on the cross)" (Luke 22:15). But this feast disappeared 300 years after Jesus' death. However, the Passover was restored after 1,600 years' abolition and has been celebrated since 1964.

Especially at the New Jerusalem Temple in Korea, not only Korean members but also 10 foreign members participated in the ceremony. The foreign members seemed to be somewhat strained before the awesome ceremony of the Passover. One of the church members from Los Angeles didn't hide his tension, saying, "At last, today we're getting eternal life through Jesus' flesh and blood." It was his second visit to Korea.

Before the Passover Communion, foot-washing ceremony was held. As the spiritual Mother began to wash the members' feet, they were all moved, "I've never dreamed that Mother Herself would wash my feet."

The foot-washing ceremony finished and the Passover Communion worship service began. After thanksgiving prayer, all the members ate the bread representing Jesus' flesh and drank the wine Jesus' blood. On this day, Kim Joo-cheol, the General Pastor of the Church of God, preached the teaching of the Bible: "We all men are beings who have been driven out of heaven for our sins (Matthew 9:13; Isaiah 59:2). And only through the precious blood of Christ we can get redemption (Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 1:18)."

ⓒ 2003 WATV
Participating in Jesus' sufferings through the Feast of Unleavened Bread

The next day, April 17 was the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This feast, called Passion Day, commemorates Jesus' sufferings on the cross. It originated in the Israelites' sufferings at the time of Exodus; they were pursued by Egyptian troops, eating unleavened bread and bitter herbs. All the members of the Church of God in the whole world participated in Jesus' sufferings by fasting a day according to the teaching of the Bible, " when the bridegroom will be taken from them, and on that day they will fast" (Mark 2:18).

During worship service, Kim Joo-cheol the General Pastor said he hoped Christ's great love would be preached to everywhere in the world, explaining the meaning of the feast: "This Feast of Unleavened Bread is a day when we engrave the love and sacrifice of Jesus who carried all the sins of the world."

Meanwhile, during the feasts, special praises by Orchestra, Joint Choir and Quartet were given to God.
Church Intro. Video
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