In the hopeful New Year of 2016, the shout with determined will to preach to seven billion people resounded throughout the globe from Seoul, the heart of South Korea located at the end of the east where the truth of the new covenant was restored. On January 3, the first Sunday of the New Year, overseers in the nation and title/position holders and young adult members from the capital area gathered for the Resolution Rally for the World Evangelism 2016.

ⓒ 2016 WATV
Even three hours before the event, the line of members was endless at the Jamsil In-door Gymnasium in Seoul and that showed their fervor for the gospel.
On the same day, the Church of God members in major cities around the world proceeded with the resolution rally in the Hudson Valley Sports Dome in New York, U.S., the Park of the Reserve in Lima, Peru, the Asa Circus in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, the Jalsa Hall in Mumbai, India, and so on. Other members in each country gathered at their local church to resolve on preaching, marking the hopeful year of 2016.

ⓒ 2016 WATV
At the Jamsil Indoor Gymnasium where over 17,000 members gathered, Mother earnestly prayed that overflowing blessing of the Holy Spirit will come upon all members around the world who have the will to save all mankind along with the beginning of the New Year. Mother encouraged them, saying, “As the Bible says, ‘Preach the gospel to all nations, be My witnesses in Samaria and to the ends of the earth, and make disciples of all nations (Mk 16:15; Ac 1:8; Mt 28:19)’ the gospel will be preached to all people of the world.” She asked them to deliver the good news of the eternal kingdom of heaven that God of love prepared for mankind to all people at this time when many people are going through hardships due to poor economy and disasters.
General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol emphasized that the most necessary thing for preaching to seven billion people is faith. He preached that spreading the gospel to seven billion people is the plan God had set even before the Creation (Ac 5:38–39; Isa 14:24–27; 46:10–11). “Let us give thanks to God for entrusting us with this holy mission, and send out the invitations to eternal life to all people in the world, believing God’s plan will be fulfilled without fail,” he said.
After the worship service, the Resolution Rally began along with the proclamation of Pastor Kim Joo-cheol amid shouts and applause. Firstly, all the attendees watched the video that showed the miracle of dividing the Red Sea, and of manna coming down for 40 years, and how Jericho, the impregnable fortress, had fallen through the shouts of the Israelites; the video convinced them that nothing is impossible with God.
After that, the representatives of each age group read the resolution emphatically, showing their determination to complete the mission of world evangelism with firm faith in their own positions just as the forefathers of faith such as Moses, Daniel, Paul, and Peter did.
When they finished reciting the resolution, all the members there created a magnificent spectacle with flashlights that meant they would shine the light of truth brightly over the dark world. And then they all sang a New Song in unison, adding up their earnestness to the fulfillment of world evangelism. Various placards, which many attendees showed, emitted even more fervor for the gospel in the New Year.
The attendees who looked very excited after the Resolution Rally expressed their firm resolution, saying, “At first it seemed hard to preach to seven billion people, but today it touched our hearts as a mission that will be surely fulfilled. We will deliver the new covenant, the truth of life, to our families, neighbors, and all people around the world with Heavenly Mother’s burning heart to save Her children.” And they sent cheerful messages to overseas members who are carrying out the Resolution Rally in their countries.
From the beginning of the New Year, the Church of God members around the world gathered under the will of one Spirit. Their powerful race for preaching to seven billion people has begun.

ⓒ 2016 WATV