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A. The Meaning of Order The word order from the “Order of Melchizedek” refers to the order of performing priestly duty. In the earthly temple, many priests took turns performing the same priestly duty. Lk 1:8, KJV And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest’s offic...
A. A human consists of the dust of the ground, which is the flesh, and the breath of life, which is the soul. When a man dies, his flesh returns to the ground and the spirit, to God. In other words, in our afterlife, there surely exists the Kingdom of Heaven, the spiritual world, wh...
A. When we read, “No foreigner is to eat of it. Any slave you have bought may eat of it after you have circumcised him” (Ex 12:43–45), we can understand that those who got circumcised could keep the Passover even though they were Gentiles. And as it is written, “An alien living amon...
A. It is God who has established the feasts and commanded us to keep them. Among the laws given by God, there is not a single law that has nothing to do with our salvation and has no meaning. The feasts recorded in the Bible are also closely related with our salvation. The reas...
A. People have wanted to know about the afterlife for a long time, but there has been no way to know about it clearly. So, they have imagined the afterlife in their own way and have created countless religions. Confucianism insists that the human soul temporarily survives after deat...
A. Most Christians think that the day of the Last Judgment is the day when Jesus, who came as the Savior 2,000 years ago, comes to this earth again. They commonly imagine the scene where Jesus comes on the clouds floating in the sky and execute judgment by fire immediately and ...
A. For the salvation of human beings, God divided 6,000 years into three ages—the age of the Father, the age of the Son, and the age of the Holy Spirit—and He carried out His salvation work with a different name in each age. In the age of the Father, God used the name Jehovah; and i...
A. A "seal" is a stamp inscribed with the name of an individual or organization as a tool to serve as proof of identity and authentication. The seal of God is the stamp of God. Throughout all ages, God has put His seal on those whom He approves. According to this will of God, the...