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A. There are certain foods that God prohibits His people from eating. These food regulations existed from the Creation to the New Testament times. What we should pay attention to is that God gave His people different dietary laws in each age. Many churches today have their own...
A. The question of the soul has been a subject of much discussion and debate among people for a long time. Recently, a renowned British physicist said, "Afterlife is a fairy tale for those afraid of death," and his remarks became the object of controversy. To those who think tha...
A. First of all, we must understand that persecution and hardship always accompany God's people, who hope for heaven and live a sincere life of faith, regardless of era (Ro 8:17). 2,000 years ago, Satan persecuted the Christian Church that followed the truth, by using the power o...
A. The forgiveness of sins and salvation mean the same thing. We can easily understand this when we realize our origin. The salvation we need is the forgiveness of sins The word "salvation" means the act of saving someone from risk, harm, or destruction. Helping a person who i...
A. The Bible testifies that the law of the Old Testament is only “a shadow of the good things that are coming” (Heb 10:1). It also says in the Bible that God made known from ancient times what was still to come (Isa 46:10), and that whatever is has already been and what will be has ...
A. It was around AD 30. The religious leaders of Israel accused Jesus―God who came to this earth in human form for the salvation of mankind―and brought Him before Pilate, the governor of Judea. The Jews, who were gathered at the place of judgment, raised their voices and kept shouti...
A. When people hear the words "first commandment," they usually think of the first commandment of the Ten Commandments which says, "You shall have no other gods before me" (Ex 20:3). However, Jesus tells us that the first and greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart an...
A. From a religious point of view, “heresy” is an idea or doctrine that goes against the true faith. Discerning heresy is very important for our salvation. Even though we have believed in God fervently for a long time, if we belong to a heretical denomination, we cannot be saved. Th...