In this world, all the living creatures have their mothers who give them life. This is an unchangeable principle in God's providence of redemption. Life cannot exist in a world where there is no mother, and we can always find mother whe...
Salvation of humankind depends on God, so it is the biggest hope, delight and happiness to wait for God just as David said. The truth about "Melchizedek" is an important clue that enables us to recognize God in the last age! When G...
There is a church where the Spirit and the Bride call us to come as it is prophesied in the Bible. Only the Church of God is the true church which keeps "the Sabbath, the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Day of Firstfruit, t...
Why did God come to this earth in the flesh and in commonness enough to be asked by John the Baptist, "Are you the one who was to come?" In order to discern His true people from false people while finding His lost children from heaven,...
Just as a promise is important to maintain peace and order in society, those who broke the promise that God established for the salvation of humankind—the Sabbath, the Passover, feasts, new name, Zion and the regulation of veil—can never ...
God the Mother is the Teacher of love who teaches us about love. She tells us that all that is done without love—faith without love, preaching without love, religious life without love, etc.—is meaningless (1 Co 13:2-5). The reason m...
In the providence of God's creation, all the living things receive life from their mothers. In the book of Genesis, we can find out that Moses testified about God the Mother 3,500 years ago. The words of Jesus, "I will raise him up...
According to the words of Christ Ahnsahnghong, the requisite to receive the Holy Spirit of the latter rain is to know God. Today, many churches claim that they know God and have received the Holy Spirit, but they only boast about thei...